Brand: Joyería Cánovas
Reference: 17000161
Christ Dali Gold Chain 18kts 26000966. 18kt gold chain Christ Dali design. Ref. 26000966
Dear Sirs, Regarding the Dali Crucifix necklace do you have more foto’s? How big is the pendant? Is there a bracelet also? Can you also send a picture of the serial number? You have 2 necklaces on your site why is there a price difference? Looking forward to hear from you. Kind regards Stèphanie
Buenos días Me puede decir las dimensiones y el peso de esta cadena? Muchas gracias
La cadena son 50cm de largo, peso 17grs
Hallo wie lang und wie schwer
Bonjour combien pèse le bijoux ? Merci.
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